Monday 30 April 2012

Poster presentation

More than 50 students displayed their posters for the Production Lab module. It's quite enjoyable to watch some excellent posters and in the meantime I could learn from them. I went through a little experiment today by asking people to let me know their impression on art. I am inspired by Gillian Wearing's Signs that say what you want them to say, and not Signs that say what someone else wants you to say  I asked people the following question and people used Post-it to write down what's on their mind. Here are the answers:

Tell me...what you think about art or what art make you think of.

"Art is the beauty of human expression through line, sound and body."

"Art is taking something ordinary and showing the beauty in it, or finding a way of saying that others (medium) can't."

"Art is a way each people show themselves through music, pictures, words and everything."

"Art is the channel of people express their understanding and feeling about the world. Art is life and life is art."

"I think art is a record of our time-taking in views and perspectives."

"I think art is a kind of expression, a way which people talk about their thought and opinion, viewpoint and position..."

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