This week, I went to London for a show by Yoko Ono in Serpentine Gallery and first meetings with the artists for my exhibition. The show by Yoko Ono is called To The Light and it showcases almost five decades of her works from inside to outside of the gallery. The visitors can actually interact with the artworks such as the works AMAZE and Wish Trees.
As Serpentine Gallery stated:
A number of works in TO THE LIGHT position both artist and viewer as agents of change. For example, a series of instruction pieces written especially for the Serpentine Gallery can be completed physically or mentally by the viewer, while the large-scale installation AMAZE transforms the viewer from the observer to the observed.
©Serpentine Gallery
After the show, I went to meet with two artists who are going to exhibit in my exhibition. Both of them are from Slade School of Fine Art. One mainly works on videos and one works on paintings. They are really guys.The lists of artists and the details of the exhibition are soon going to be uploaded here.